Please take the time to print and fill out one of the following intake forms before your visit and bring it with you to your appointment.

Regular Consent and Intake Form

Consent and Intake Form for Women's Health (GYN)

We also have copies of these forms in our waiting room, so if you are planning to fill them out in the clinic, please come an extra 10-15 minutes early.

Basal Body Temperature Chart

I used to suffer from weekly, if not bi-weekly, debilitating migraines. After exhausting other methods of care, I made an appointment with Dr. Liu. Both Liu and his wife, Zheng Zeng, have been treating me for four months now. They are both genuinely kind, concerned, and compassionate. For once, someone tried to get to the root of the cause of migraines instead of offering a quick fix. I have been migraine free for 3 1/2 months now and feel like I have my life back for the first time in years!    


Jaimee H 11/4/2010