Honeysuckle Acupuncture Clinic in Austin

Provides professional effective and gentle acupuncture,and natural Chinese herbal medicine in Austin for acute and chronic pain management (especially for migraine, neck, shoulder, lower back pain, sciatica nerve pain, knee, ankle pain, arthritis, and RA), fertility problems, PMS, PCOS, IVF support, IUI  support, miscarriage prevention, endometriosis, menopause (hot flashes), hormone imbalance, pelvic pain, vulva pain (vulvodynia), allergies control,digestive diseases (acid reflux, gastritis, IBS, constipation, diarrhea), anxiety and stress relief, immune diseases,weight control, detoxification treatments and more. 

"I used to suffer from weekly, if not bi-weekly, debilitating migraines. After exhausting other methods of care, I made an appointment with Dr. Liu. Both Liu and his wife, Zheng Zeng, have been treating me since June of 2010. They are both genuinely kind, concerned, and compassionate. For once, someone tried to get to the root of the cause of migraines instead of offering a quick fix.  Zheng Zeng and Dr. Liu's approach to my care validated my concerns for the first time in years. I remained migraine free for several months. If I do get a migraine now, it is not severe and can usually be avoided by adjusting my herbs or a treatment. I have my life back now thanks to Zheng Zeng and Dr. Liu. In addition to the medical care they have provided, Zheng Zeng and Liu are both incredibly personable, which makes the whole experience even more valuable. I completely owe my new found health and balance to Honeysuckle Acupuncture." 
- Jaimee H.  Austin, TX    (From Yelp.com)